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nedelja, 21 jul 2024 14:56 Brian And De The TikTok social media platform has seen explosive growth over the last two years. It now has 500 million users that are desperate for fun and exciting content and this is a massive opportunity for you to promote your business. I can help you to grow and promote your tiktok account organically visit my 5 star profile and join over 3000 happy customer Click here to check out ===== > See you there! Regards Brian And Dee
nedelja, 07 april 2024 11:07 Jack Hi, This deal gives you access to Reachinbox with unlimited email accounts, AI Generated E-mails, Automated warmups, unified inbox and agency whitelabelling. No need to pay more again for any expensive email marketing tool Ask the support chat to provide you with life time deal Payment link and mention that you are referred from Omar Get the Life time deal now click here to start ====> Regards
nedelja, 03 mart 2024 11:16 guest_3598 szep napot mindenAdaiRadio hallgatonak, udvozlet Regensburgol! Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool
nedelja, 25 februar 2024 21:58 Brian And De The TikTok social media platform has seen explosive growth over the last two years. It now has 500 million users that are desperate for fun and exciting content and this is a massive opportunity for you to promote your business. I can help you to grow and promote your tiktok account organically visit my 5 star profile and join over 3000 happy customer Click here to check out ===== > See you there! Regards Brian And Dee
nedelja, 17 decembar 2023 13:28 guest_3084 egyetertek az korabbi hozzaszolokkal a hangbeallitasokkal sokszor gondok vannak, ma dec.17.2023 pl nem linearis torzitasok vannak, tul van vezerelve, elvezhetetlen.
sreda, 13 decembar 2023 11:36 guest_9507 Sziasztok! Tudnátok az adónak valamit csinálni? Nagyon gáz a 21-dik században, hogy csak monoban szóltok és nincs RDS sem.
nedelja, 02 april 2023 11:19 guest_4991 felhivnam az Adai Radio figyelmet a hangbeallitasokra, mivel a jobb es a bal csatorna egyensulya nnincs jol beallitva (s az is megesik, hogy tul van vezerelve - nem linearis torzitas)
sreda, 17 avgust 2022 22:51 Raffai Balá Ez hazugsag ezt Hollò Viktor kerte
sreda, 17 avgust 2022 22:47 Raffai Balá A Tankcsapda Bsw Bazd-t legyszives
nedelja, 03 jul 2022 10:12 guest_8507 nem megy az online rádió
nedelja, 24 april 2022 13:58 guest_369 Hello szia, szevasz, van nálad-e terasz?
sreda, 07 april 2021 17:08 guest_4654 A pontos idövel le vannak maradva 8 percet...vagy ez valami taktika?
subota, 05 decembar 2020 12:06 Rikardo Pozdrav iy Beograda
sreda, 14 oktobar 2020 01:20 guest_2802 üdvözlet Guelph városából -Canada
subota, 12 septembar 2020 10:08 guest_2271 Dobar dan ! Pozdrav za sve Vas u Studiju i za Sve slusateje Najboljeg Radia ADA , od Csabe Csuvik i Porodice iz Nemacke ,
ponedeljak, 11 maj 2020 10:20 guest_8306 Dobar dan da li je ovo grupa
nedelja, 22 mart 2020 21:40 guest_8353 KO ZNA STAN U ADI?
petak, 20 decembar 2019 20:17 guest_2574 cao
ponedeljak, 04 novembar 2019 20:30 guest_4427 i ja volem peceni krompir sa kobasicama
utorak, 15 oktobar 2019 16:04 guest_8477 jako volem peceni krompir i slanine a tek domaci lebac ipak se u banatu najbolje jede
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